13 unlucky years of Conservative government

29 March, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, Corbridge, Education, Elections, Featured, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Trade Unions, Transport, Uncategorized, Women, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

The country is in a mess after 13 years of Conservative Government. It’s difficult to point to anything that is working better now than in 2010. Help us to do something about it. It’s time for a change in Hexham Constituency. Hexham deserves better than Guy Opperman and a failed Conservative government. Join us to … Read More

Hexham East Super Saturday

26 February, 2023Branches, Hexham, News

Hexham East – “Super Saturday” Campaign Day Saturday 4th March 2023 We are planning to knock on as many doors in Hexham East as possible Morning Session: 10.30am until 12.30pm (gather from 10am) Afternoon Session 2: 2pm until 4pm (gather from 1.30 pm) Come along to morning or afternoon or both! Meeting Place: Torch Centre, … Read More

General Election Campaign Launched

28 January, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, Corbridge, Elections, General Election, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District

    Our General Election campaign to elect a Labour MP in the Hexham Constituency has been launched and is reported on this week in the Hexham Courant. Our Chair John Hanley said: “We (Labour) are getting a very encouraging reception on the doorstep. Many people are very depressed about the current state of politics … Read More

The Future of Farming and the Environment – Public Meeting

24 October, 2019ARCHIVE, Hexham, News, Parliamentary Candidate

The Future of Farming and the Environment – Public Meeting Bellingham Town Hall  Wednesday 23rd October Thanks to Paul Brannen (former MEP and member of the European Agriculture and Environment Committees) for speaking at the meeting and Penny (our prospective parliamentary candidate) for chairing.  A wide ranging and informed discussion followed Paul Brannen’s presentation on … Read More

A Green New Deal 

25 September, 2019Hexham, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate

It’s OFFICIAL – The Labour Party has backed a socialist, transformative Green New Deal with decarbonisation by 2030. The Hexham Constituency Labour Party voted and agreed to send the Green New Deal motion to the Labour Conference and I’m so proud this was passed at Conference today.  More here … https://www.labourgnd.uk Penny Grennan  –  The … Read More

Urgent email – Defend Democracy

30 August, 2019Allen Valleys, ARCHIVE, Bywell, Campaigns, Corbridge, Featured, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Prudhoe & District

Stop the coup demo on Saturday Aug 31st at Newcastle Monument. Bywell branch of Hexham CLP will be on the the 9-56 train from Hexham which stops at:                             Corbridge    10-00                             Riding Mill 10-04                             Stocksfield  10-09                             Prudhoe      10-13                             Wylam at    10-18 Please join us.  

Hexham CLP at 2019 Durham Miner’s Gala

15 July, 2019Allen Valleys, ARCHIVE, Bywell, Corbridge, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall

A wonderful day out as ever at this event, despite the rain. Well attended by Hexham CLP officers. On the far right (position in photograph and not a reflection of labour politics) Chair Steve Grinter with Secretary Bill Haylock holding the banner. Social Media officer and co-chair of the Campaign Committee Tony Pierre stands under … Read More