Prudhoe & District Branch

Prudhoe and District Labour Party branch is based on an area containing three council wards: 'Prudhoe North', 'Prudhoe South' and 'Stocksfield and Broomhaugh' and hence includes the town of Prudhoe and villages of Mickley, Stocksfield, Riding Mill, Broomley and New Ridley.

The branch is very active and campaigns on local issues and also the national issues which face us all. We campaign to support Labour representatives on Prudhoe Town Council, and Northumberland County Council and actively work with other branches in the Hexham CLP to return a Labour MP for the Hexham Constituency at the next General Election.

The elected Labour Representatives in Prudhoe are:

Northumberland County Council

Angie Scott, Prudhoe North


Prudhoe Town Council

Dorothy Dickinson, Prudhoe West & Halfway

Duncan Couchman, Castle and Eltringham

Jonathan Wheeler, Castle and Eltringham

Paddy O'Kelly, West Wylam

Angie Scott, West Wylam

Glenn Simpson, Prudhoe Hall

Carol Stephenson, Prudhoe Hall

Ignasious Varghese, Castlefields and Low Prudhoe

Contact a Labour Town Councillor


Get Involved

The branch holds regular monthly meetings in Prudhoe to discuss local issues, campaigns and Labour policies. All members are welcome to attend these friendly gatherings. You can find details of these on the Events Page.

You can also find us on Facebook at
