We need you!

The Polls show that a Labour win in Hexham Constituency is possible. In 1997, Labour missed out by 222 votes. Join the 222 club to help make sure that doesn’t happen again.

We need 100 people to help us raise our target of £22,200.

Pledge to contribute £222 to contribute to the General Election Campaign Fund. This will help us to get rid of our Conservative MP and our disastrous, uncaring Government. Together we can Build a Better Britain.

Pledges can come from individuals, groups of individuals, organisations or companies.


It’s easy to do

Just email 222Hexhamclp@gmail.com and we will send you details on how to donate.

Here’s why we need the money

Your support will be acknowledged on this website, unless you prefer to remain anonymous (please let us know).



Join the 222 Club

Join the Party

Right across Hexham Constituency Labour Party members are working to Build a Better Britain and get Guy Opperman out after 13 disastrous years of Conservative government.

If you’d like to get involved further please consider joining the party.