Haltwhistle Branch

Haltwhistle Branch Labour Party is based in the ward boundary that incorporates Haltwhistle, Halton-Lee Gate, Park Village, Plenmellor, Coanwood, Featherstone, Lambley, Slaggyford and Eals.

Being a Labour Party member can be more than just having a membership card - it’s about what we can build together, becoming a more powerful voice and influence in local and national politics. Haltwhistle Branch Labour Party relies on its members and their time, to be effective. By working together we are a vital link for communicating Labour Party values and principles with others at local level. You don’t have to commit a lot of time, or be an expert to get more involved. A little time and a lot of enthusiasm are all that’s needed; give it a try, and attend Haltwhistle Branch meetings, you’ll be amazed how much you get out of it.

We understand the areas we cover are very rural with limited public transport. However, we have members who are willing to car share – our notices of meeting will ask if you need support to attend. This can include help with transport and general access.

We meet every month (excluding August). Even though the meetings are formal with minutes being taken, we seek to discuss business in a friendly, inclusive, tolerant and welcoming environment. As a Labour party member you are part of your local branch. So why not get active by coming along to a branch event to meet other Labour members and find out more about what the branch is doing? You’ll be made very welcome.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the branch usually takes place in May or June (TBC). The AGM elects officers (chair · vice chair · secretary · treasurer) to conduct branch business and organise activities. To make meetings more interesting guest speakers will be invited to support political discussion and an optional fish and chip supper can be ordered for the end of the meeting. Meetings will discuss current political issues, plan local campaigning and fundraising activities; receive reports from Hexham Constituency Labour Party (HCLP) and consider local issues. The Branch can send motions to HCLP meetings, nominate candidates for election to the HCLP Executive, elect delegates to the HCLP, nominate members as candidates to Northumberland County Council (NCC) ) and participate in campaigns in our own CLP. Our Branch can also elect ‘coordinators’ or ‘officers’ for specific areas of work such as political education, trade union liaison, equality, young people and fundraising.

Contact us at: haltwhistlelabour@gmail.com

Events calendar

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