It’s on! Let’s Win 24 on 4th July

22 May, 2024Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Callerton & Throckley, Campaigns, Corbridge, Crime, Education, Elections, Featured, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, History, Home page featured, Mayor, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Trade Unions, Transport, Uncategorized, Women, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

After a day of media speculation, the Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally announced that he was calling a General Election on the 4th July. The Labour Party is ready for this election and the Hexham CLP has been working for a Labour victory for over a year. Sunak’s Tory government is out of time … Read More

Kim wins in historic day for Labour

3 May, 2024Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Callerton & Throckley, Campaigns, Corbridge, Crime, Education, Elections, Featured, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, Mayor, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Trade Unions, Transport, Women

After a hard fought campaign Kim McGuinness has been elected as the first NE Mayor. This is a historic victory which saw Kim win 185,051 votes (41%), with independent Jamie Driscoll in second place on 126,652 and Conservative Guy Renner-Thompson in third place on 52,446. A full list of candidates and vote share can be … Read More

Vote Today!

2 May, 2024Branches, Campaigns, Crime, Featured, General Election, Groups, Home page featured, Mayor, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Trade Unions, Uncategorized, Work, Economy & Environment

Across the Hexham Constituency voting is underway in the local elections. This is a vital opportunity for us to show that Labour can win and lead locally and regionally in the North East. Your vote matters! Voting is underway for our fantastic Labour candidates. We’ve been out with them on the streets of Northumberland campaigning … Read More

Tories too incompetent to get Britain working

19 April, 2024Branches, Campaigns, Elections, Groups, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Trade Unions, Women, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

New analysis reveals the Tory failure to tackle health-related worklessness in Hexham constituency. Analysis by the House of Commons Library for Labour shows that there has been a rise of 372 people in the Hexham constituency claiming Universal Credit for health reasons over the last year.  Between December 2022 and December 2023, all 632 parliamentary … Read More

Joe Morris Winning for Hexham!

17 October, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Callerton & Throckley, Campaigns, Corbridge, Crime, Education, Elections, Featured, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Trade Unions, Transport, Uncategorized, Women, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

Yesterday the CLP met in Hexham for the hustings and selection process for the Labour Party’s Parliamentary Candidate for the Hexham Constituency. After listening to the speeches and questions and answers from the two candidates (the third had withdrawn earlier in the day) members voted. The ballots cast in person and the postal votes were … Read More

13 unlucky years of Conservative government

29 March, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, Corbridge, Education, Elections, Featured, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Trade Unions, Transport, Uncategorized, Women, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

The country is in a mess after 13 years of Conservative Government. It’s difficult to point to anything that is working better now than in 2010. Help us to do something about it. It’s time for a change in Hexham Constituency. Hexham deserves better than Guy Opperman and a failed Conservative government. Join us to … Read More

For every £1 spent on union-led training the economy gets nearly £13 back, new report reveals

2 December, 2020Campaigns, Featured, Home page featured, News, Trade Unions, Work, Economy & Environment

Issue date: 24 Nov 2020 TUC calls on government to urgently rethink proposal to axe Union Learning Fund  Scrapping the scheme will undermine the government’s “levelling up” agenda, warns new report  The funding should be reinstated at the Spending Review, says TUC  The TUC has today (Tuesday) called on the government to urgently rethink its decision to axe the Union Learning Fund (ULF).  … Read More

TUC report: more young workers lost their jobs summer 2020 than in all of 2019

21 November, 2020Featured, Home page featured, News, Trade Unions, Youth

Issue date 20 Nov 2020 Young people have been the hardest hit by Covid-19 economic crisis, TUC analysis shows  Number of 16 to 24-year-olds in work lower than at any point during 2008 financial crisis  Union body calls for government to invest in creating good new jobs to prevent a generation from being scarred by mass unemployment  More young workers were made redundant during summer 2020 than in all of 2019, according to new TUC … Read More

We need a New Deal for Local Government Workers

23 May, 2020ARCHIVE, Trade Unions

The last few months have been tragic and unsettling with many families’ worlds turned upside down. Millions of workers have had to negotiate with their employers through the pandemic – matters of life and death like safe working practices and PPE as well as issues like redundancy, furlough, homeworking and childcare. These are challenging conversations … Read More