Vote Today for Michael Clarke

The Ponteland East Town Council by-election is today. Make sure you cast your ballot at your nearest polling station and remember to Vote for Labour and Michael Clarke. Ponteland deserves to have a representative who is willing to listen to fresh ideas.

Local resident Michael Clarke is Labour’s candidate and he has been out on the streets of Ponteland campaigning to bring a much needed Labour voice to Ponteland Town Council. Having worked for the NHS he knows how important public services are to us all.

Ponteland is a place Mike loves and has made his home. He’s lived in the town for over 30 years and believes it’s a great place to live. Yet limited opportunities and the lack of affordable housing put pressure on families and hurt our community. Anti-social behaviour blights the lives of some, speeding drivers endanger children and traffic congestion pollutes the air we breath. Pot holes in the local roads endanger cyclists and cause accidents.

The Conservative Authority on Northumberland County Council has spent over £1 million of your hard-earned taxpayer’s money on tarmacking over a wildlife corridor, ripping up the work of the Ponteland Community Partnership and building a cycleway in the Ward that only leads to a busy roundabout.  Yet this money could have been spent in other, better ways. The Town Council could have demanded a proper public consultation that would have led to a sensible, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly scheme. We need a wider range of perspectives on Ponteland Town Council.

Mike has pledged that when he is elected he will work to improve local services and quality of life:

PLEDGE 1 Ensuring future development work is subject to proper public consultation
PLEDGE 2 Representing a range of views in the community
PLEDGE 3 Using my experience of working in the NHS to push for improved services
PLEDGE 4 Working with the Police & Crime Commissioner to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
PLEDGE 5 Improving access to Public Services and affordable housing

From Public Services to the Post Office scandal, sewage in our rivers to crumbling school buildings, Britain is in a mess following 13 years of Conservative Government.

Be part of changing Britain for the Better. Vote Michael Clarke TODAY.


Vote for Michael Clarke

Join the Labour Party

Right across Hexham Constituency Labour Party members are working to Build a Better Britain and get Guy Opperman out after 13 disastrous years of Conservative government.

If you’d like to get involved please consider joining the party or making a donation.


Promoted by Padraig O’Kelly on behalf of Michael Clarke both at Labour North, Labour Central, Kings Manor, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6PA

Vote Today