Ponteland By-Election
Campaigning for the Ponteland East Town Council By-Election is in full swing. We’ve been out talking to voters and leafletting in the town, listening to residents concerned and unhappy about 14 years of Conservative mismanagement and incompetence. The Labour Candidate, Michael Clarke, has lived in Ponteland for more than thirty years and knows how desperate residents are for a different voice on the town council. Ponteland is a great place to live but there are issues with anti-social behaviour, speeding, potholes, the environment and the lack of affordable houses that Mike will be working to address.
Mike will be a breath of fresh air and a positive change on a town council that desperately needs to widen its perspective. Our Parliamentary Candidate Joe Morris knows that the time is right for change in Ponteland East and the Hexham Constituency. He knows Mike well and is confident that Mike will “bring a fresh voice and fresh ideas to Ponteland Town Council” because Mike is “dedicated to the area and active in the community and will stand up for what Ponteland needs”.
Vote for Michael Clarke on the 8th February!

Join the Labour Party
Right across Hexham Constituency Labour Party members are working to Build a Better Britain and get Guy Opperman out after 13 disastrous years of Conservative government.
If you’d like to get involved please consider joining the party or making a donation.