Executive Officers

Chair John Hanley
Secretary Michael Clarke
Vice-Chair Mary Bythell
Vice-Chair (Membership) Wendy Wood
Treasurer Colin Harwood
Policy Officer Vacant
Youth Officer Gabriel Marshall
Disabled Officer Vacant
BAME Officer Camille Mazarelo
Trade Union Liaison Officer Annette McGlade
Political Education Officer Vacant
Social Media & Comms Officer Vacant
Climate Emergency Offiver Bob Turner

Co-ordinators to lead on specific areas of responsibility

Minutes Secretary:
Fund Raising Officer: 
Website Editor: J Gerrard

Campaign Committee

Campaign Co-ordinator Paddy O'Kelly
Messaging & Media Ian Dommett
Fund Raising Denise Gillie
Voter ID Wendy Wood
Campaign Management John Hanley

Other posts

Vacant (Feb-21)
Vacant (Feb-21)
Delegates to Local Campaign Forum
Observers to NCC Labour Group
Vacant (Feb-21)
Vacant (Feb-21)

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We endeavour that content on this website is factually correct and that all images are properly attributed and copyright respected. Please contact us in cases of doubt.